Hsieh, Y. P. & Ho. C.-C. (2001). The Development of Nation State in Information Society, Journal of Cyber Culture and Information Society, 1:201-228. Taiwan. (Written in Chinese)
With the new techno-economic paradigms in the information society, there is a debate on the role of nation states. This paper intends to examine the roles of nation states facing of the rapid development of information technology and the competition in global economy.
This paper uses the data of World Bank Development Indicator, to analyze the developments of the nation states in 1990s. This paper argues that the traditional political authority of nation states never fades away; however, it reveal that there are different patterns among countries with different development status.
In the developed countries, the structure of tax revenue is well organized, and nation states prefer to collect social security taxes to enhance the social security net and alleviate the pressure of global competition. In the developing countries, the taxes on international trade are the major sources of tax revenue.They tend to favor the big government and broaden the range of government expenditure to increase social security protection.
information society, globalization, nation states, social development.
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